LNC Role with Board of Nursing and DMEs
Your programs’ formats: 2 Videos
Defense Medical Examinations
How does the LNC most effectively function at Defense Medical Examinations?
You’ll discover:
• The anatomy and physiology of a DME
• The laws nationally governing DMEs
• The types of DMEs
• How to spot unethical behavior
Your Speaker
Silvia Aninye RN, FCM, AS, CLNC
Silvia has 14 years of experience as an LNC, with a specialty of DMEs. She established herself as providing the go-to expert nurses attending defense medical examinations. She has educated both attorneys and nurses on the rules about defense medical examinations. With a background in medical surgical nursing, workers compensation, she worked at Los Angeles County LAC USC Medical Center and numerous insurance companies in policy making, workers compensation and as an adjuster in the areas of subrogation and case management. In addition, Silvia is an arbitrator for FIRNA and a Mediator in the State of CA. Silvia is the author of a forthcoming book for LNCs on DMEs. She provides an online program on defense medical examinations, mentoring program, and coaching program on defense medical examinations.