Strengthen your skills as a legal nurse consultant in the 4 pillars of LNC practice:


  • Expertise - Strengthen your case analysis skills
  • Marketing - Develop and grow your business
  • Clients - Create and nurture sound relationships with your clients
  • Finance - Establish sound financial practices

Meet Pat

Iyer-medOur programs are moderated or taught by Pat Iyer MSN RN LNCC, a leader in the field of legal nurse consulting with almost 30 years of experience. She is well known as the chief editor of the second edition of the Bible of legal nurse consulting: Legal Nurse Consulting Principles and Practices. Pat is an acknowledged expert in the field of legal nurse consulting. She has written or edited over 800 books, chapters, case studies, webinars, articles or online courses.

Learn from Experts

Our presenters are successful legal nurse consultants, clinicians and attorneys, and marketing, social media and branding experts.

Some of our presenters:
